I'm Dan, the founder of Potentia Engineering Ltd. Potentia Engineering was born out of my passion for engineering and renewable energy.
In the last 5 years, technology in the home has increased exponentially – some time ago, it would have only been possible to design, install and use exciting and interesting equipment, by working in a more technical industrial or corporate setting. This is precisely where I was, and although I enjoyed the ‘tech’, working in a big sprawling organisation wasn’t for me.
I have always recognised that more needs to be done to cut our outdated dependence on fossil fuels – it just does not make sense when there are some great substitutes out there – solar energy being just one. The investment needs to start now, and beyond government level.
Solar systems are an incredibly powerful tool to unshackle yourself from the grid and breakaway from the enduring energy price volatility surrounding us today. We have some incredible solutions which can help you save money and help us all save the planet. The positives are just too big to ignore!
But, at the same time, we understand that it’s an investment, and this requires capital, which right or wrong, not everyone has access to. However, we are witnessing a real shift in wholesale energy prices, which appear to be a permanent feature for at least the medium term. This gives the investment real credibility as every unit you produce at home is a unit you are not buying from the grid.
We can help! Just think every time the unit price for electricity doubles, the return (or payback period) for your solar investment halves. We offer friendly advice, whether you choose us or not, we hope you’ll remain a friend to our business.
Our work in numbers
1.6 GWp
1.032 kT
Equivalent trees planted in 2023 from our commercial systems
1.6 GWp
Where we operate

Our values
We're proud of the way we work, and everything we do is underpinned by our core values. We have a self-enforcing strategy to ensure we always deliver a satisfactory service to our clients.